Sunshine. Water. A slight breeze. A red truck. Fishing poles. Shot gun shells. Love it.
“Roger and I met in high school, we both had mutual friends and we became very close. We started dating my senior year 2007, I guess you could say were high school sweethearts, and best friends. We’ve been dating for 7 years. So far wedding planning has been great, were really just having fun imagining what our wedding day is going to be like. As far back as I can remember I always wanted our wedding ceremony on the water, and when we found spring Hill and I realized the water ceremony wasn’t going to happen we really wanted to make sure we captured that feeling in our pictures. Roger actually proposed to me while we were fishing so and we are very out doors-ey so we wanted to reflect some of our favorite things to do in our pictures.”
We were really excited to post this engagement post, as it is a little different than most we do. First of all, Katherine and Roger won this session at a wedding expo we did earlier this year. We gave away a 2 hour, 2 location engagement session to one of the brides-to-be attending.
Unfortunately we aren’t available for their wedding date, but we LOVED our time with these two lovebirds.
These two people were so sweet. We met up at their wedding venue, which we thought would be a fitting place for location one of their engagement session. The second session we headed south to Concord Point in Havre De Grace. It was beautiful.
These are two of my favorites!!
The flshing rods were significant for Katherine and Roger as he proposed to Katherine while they were out fishing together. Roger had put a fake ring on the end of her line and when she pulled it in, he got down on one knee, and gave her the real one. As an outdoorsy couple ourselves, we loved this!
Before we even stepped into the water, Roger said, “I’m wearing my boots in.” I just smiled and said, “great, let’s do this.” Katherine and I went barefoot into the water.
Thank you Roger and Katherine. Congrats on being the winners of this session and we wish you guys the absolute best. Enjoy your engagement, for this season passes oh so quickly. Go on a date, laugh a lot, and don’t let the details stress you out.
– M&P
To see another engagement session, meet Cassie & Kevin.
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