I’m in the season of life right now that there are all these people and friends I know that are trying for babies, pregnant, or just having little ones. I’m obsessed with it all! I get giddy and excited. I know our day will eventually come when we take the leap of faith, but until then, I will gladly sit and edit beautiful images of pregnant women and their hubbies as they start a new adventure in their lives, and be cheerleaders and encouragers during their process.
Laura and Luke are friends of friends. Laura was referred to us by our dear friend and cousin, Heather! Luke is in the Marines and Laura is a nurse who works in the pediatric ICU and is a fabulous fitness blogger! You’ve gotta check out her site too. Laure and Luke have been in the US for the last two years. Prior to that they were in Okinawa, Japan!! They like getting out for hiking and Luke has taken up woodworking as a hobby.
Laura really wanted to do her maternity session in Annapolis, so I suggested a really cute park I had never been too but heard great things about. So we ventured to Quiet Waters Park, and we were so glad we went. The sunset that night was unbelievable! Congrats Laura and Luke on your little guy! Can’t wait for the months to come. I’m totally gonna stalk your facebook!
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