living radiant photography
real couples. real sessions.
real memories. real love stories.
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Can we say champions!? Lauren and Luke met us in Baltimore City at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower on one of the rainiest and darkest rain days we had all year. They were positive and happy and ready to go. We definitely ran late due to the weather but they were awesome and knew we’d make it up to them somehow. We knew we wouldn’t be outside much, so we made the most of the hour in the tower and took some rain photos outside! Although we all got wet, man do these two have some pretty sexy photos! We went to dinner at Little Havana afterwards and chowed down on breakfast food, hot tea, and some other good food. Lauren and Luke, you guys did awesome. Thanks for trusting us, for climbing steps, clock towers and letting us create some cool stuff for you. We are excited to spend more time with you in 2023 and can’t wait for your wedding! xo