Every time we take a trip, we try to meet or find a cute couple that would be willing to allow us to take photos of them for portfolio in exchange for giving them amazing photos to remember! We met Kristen and Josh on the spa tour the very first day of our cruise, actually we were still at port and walking through the ship to get to know the layout, what it had to offer and see if there were any specials going on. We talked just for a bit, found out they were engaged after talking about being wedding photographers and the stresses of our bodies to the spa lady haha. Anyway, we ran into them again a couple more times and decided to ask them if they were up for it sometime during the 7 days of being on the ship together. We ended up doing an excursion with them too which was really awesome. Sure enough, they said yes doing the session and we proposed Cozumel.
We had no idea what the port would look like but we figured it would be one of the prettier spots… and guys let me tell you, all the photos you’re about to see are within the port of Cozumel! We didn’t have to go very far. Patrick and I scoped it out a little before meeting up with them but sure enough, it got us exactly what we wanted and they rocked their session.
Kristen and Josh, thanks for trusting 2 random people (us) and meeting up with us in a foreign little town that was gorgeous. We are so excited for you guys and loved the friendship we built in just 7 days. We hope you love them and they bring you back lots of memories from your cruise!

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