We were so excited to shoot with Christina and Jeremy at Longwood Gardens! Let me first say that Christina is the third sister in a family. We had photographed the other 2 sisters weddings, Amanda and Melissa, and we couldn’t be more excited to be photographing her wedding in January. Jeremy, we are so pumped you’re marrying into that family, they are amazing as you already know.
When Christina and Jeremy reached out to hire us for their wedding, we were so excited. We started planning the engagement session and they asked us our thoughts on Longwood Gardens. Well first off, at the time we had never been there. I recently shot a maternity session there and it was lovely. However we went in March when it wasn’t super warm and snow was on the ground. When we went in late April I couldn’t even believe it… it was packed!! When we met these guys at the gate, we immediately started to strategize and get them warmed up. We knew there would be some obstacles… and not the normal stop sign kind of obstacles… the hard ones, like 6 motorized scooters in a row, red wagons of kids, tons of photographers. If you haven’t been to Longwood Gardens, it’s quite magical and so beautiful. Patrick said it’s like an amusement park… but these guys did awesome! They were quick, receptive… with minutes of the conservatory closing, we whipped them through poses and they took them like a champ. Masks were required indoors but we snuck in two kisses in two places when no other humans were around. Advice #1: Always honor the requests of the venue and you’re bound to have a great experience. We literally were some of the last folks on the grounds but these guys crushed their session.
Christina and Jeremy, you guys did great. We loved our time with you, loved getting to know you better at dinner and even after when we went to La Chispa Mexican Ice-Cream Shop… can’t wait to go back and get more! January is gonna be sooo much fun! We can’t wait!

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